
Featured the or equivalent test standards BOB体育最新下载安装for Mecmesin solutions in this section

Tensile and compression tests in solid mechanics teaching

A Case study
帝国的生物工程部门需要一种用于教学目的的新系统,以演示对各种不同材料和定制夹具的拉伸和压缩测试。需要一个灵活、易于使用但结构紧凑的系统以适应我们的可用空间。MultiTest 5-xt是理想的解决方案,MecmesiBOB体育最新下载安装n的硬件支持非常出色。

Dr Dominic ', advanced teaching researcher

Imperial college London laboratory MultiTest pressure


A Case study
我们使用BOB体育最新下载安装Mecmesin MultiTest我系统执行常规的质量控制测试,以确保我们提供的材料的质量。Mecmesin为我们提供了一种经济高效的解决方案,可满足我们的需求和出色的客户服务。我会毫不犹豫地将它们推荐给有材料测试要求的其他公司。


Rubber and plastic sealing components and materials dog bone elongation of the specimen under tensile test

Building safety net certification test

A Case study

Director Ian plug & poor's (Ian Semple)

BS EN 1263 - 1

Building plate bonding strength

A Case study
SIPS Frames UK Ltd is one of the UK's leading independent structure insulation board manufacturer, is used to build build kit room.

(Martin Martin Cook Cook), managing director

SIPS panels adhesion tensile tests at the scene


A Case study
BOB体育最新下载安装Mecmesin permeameter can provide accurate immediately after you start testing of low intensity data (top 1 MPa).The data can be Shared with Shotcrete in underground work team immediately.The instrument and accessories through the convenient transportation has brought benefits, and has the ability of for sprayed concrete test, in this experiment, the core sample injection for later.This eliminates the other samples need to transport.

Quality control manager Adam O 'Ray

Sprayed concrete spraying machine and pump applications
“使用二自由度陀螺仪2500 N仅能测量几牛顿的力并不能使我们继续进行BOB体育最新下载安装调查,Mecmesin借给我们的是更灵敏的二自由度陀螺仪10 N,它可以立即提高我们收集的数据质量。”

Alex Radford, undergraduates (physics)

A Case study
The test system is very suitable for our requirements, provide us with the flexibility needed to execute multiple test, in order to ensure a reliable and accurate results.Within these quality measurement means we also save a lot of cost, because we no longer need the services of a external test LABS.

Jody, wes tower (JordiVives - Tallo), engineer

A Case study
Amphibio一直使用Mecmesin MultiteBOB体育最新下载安装st 2.5我评估单纤维的力学性能,各种材料制成的纱线和纺织品的运动装和性能纺织品市场的适应性。我们需要设备,能够为我们提供可重复的和可靠的结果而易于使用。通过使用该设备,我们能够做出关键决定未来在发展我们的材料通过确定纱线与纤维最合适的机械性能。掌握推荐我们以及软件界面使测试效率和容易,让我们获得快速的结果。总的来说,我们Mecmesin提供的服务非常满意,特别是因为他们能够适应我们的需求在COVID困难时期,也能提供我们所需BOB体育最新下载安装的设备租赁合同期间符合我们的预算。

Deana Tsang, the Design Engineer
Amphibio Ltd

A Case study
ASTM D3217单纤维的断裂强度测试结配置。

Tensile and compression tests in solid mechanics teaching

帝国的生物工程部门需要一种用于教学目的的新系统,以演示对各种不同材料和定制夹具的拉伸和压缩测试。需要一个灵活、易于使用但结构紧凑的系统以适应我们的可用空间。MultiTest 5-xt是理想的解决方案,MecmesiBOB体育最新下载安装n的硬件支持非常出色。

Dr Dominic ', advanced teaching researcher

A Case study
Imperial college London laboratory MultiTest pressure


我们使用BOB体育最新下载安装Mecmesin MultiTest我系统执行常规的质量控制测试,以确保我们提供的材料的质量。Mecmesin为我们提供了一种经济高效的解决方案,可满足我们的需求和出色的客户服务。我会毫不犹豫地将它们推荐给有材料测试要求的其他公司。


A Case study
Rubber and plastic sealing components and materials dog bone elongation of the specimen under tensile test
We are about 40 hours a week to use MultiTest - x on a regular basis.It is still reliable, and enables us to an internal test, so as to save the money for us.BOB体育最新下载安装Mecmesin can provide advice on the fixture and test requirements for us to design the ideal solution, and competitive price.

William Lamb (William Lamb) footwear

A Case study
Apply to footwear security check MultiTest and tensile test fixture

Building safety net certification test


Director Ian plug & poor's (Ian Semple)

A Case study
UsBOB体育最新下载安装ing Mecmesin -i tester to upgrade our standard test method is one of the best decisions we made recently.New test machine not only will enable us to replace the equipment used in other projects, but also improve the reliability of the test and the repeatability of the test result.BOB体育最新下载安装Mecmesin sales team to provide us with the decision to buy the right all the information needed to test machine.

Research and quality manager Marcin Kujawski

A Case study

Building plate bonding strength

SIPS Frames UK Ltd is one of the UK's leading independent structure insulation board manufacturer, is used to build build kit room.

(Martin Martin Cook Cook), managing director

A Case study
SIPS panels adhesion tensile tests at the scene


BOB体育最新下载安装Mecmesin permeameter can provide accurate immediately after you start testing of low intensity data (top 1 MPa).The data can be Shared with Shotcrete in underground work team immediately.The instrument and accessories through the convenient transportation has brought benefits, and has the ability of for sprayed concrete test, in this experiment, the core sample injection for later.This eliminates the other samples need to transport.

Quality control manager Adam O 'Ray

A Case study
Sprayed concrete spraying machine and pump applications

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