The touch screen driver

16 May 2019

The solution

  • The test bed of software control
  • XY worktable to correct positioning samples of touch screen


  • Aim the pressure probe more rapidly and accurately the XY position of the screen
  • Event input function allows you to have confidence in the accuracy of the actuator load
We try to find solution provider for our application, but no one is able to provide specific test methods and proper test device.We cBOB体育最新下载安装hoose our Mecmesin because their products are widely used, and provides us with a clear, reliable results.This unique system is very suitable for our application.

Quality assurance team Li Heng all touch screen division
Japan tobacco inc.


Company headquarters is located in south Korea's Chesapeake H (now JNTC) is used in mobile, navigation and touch screen manufacturers of portable media player applications.The company wants to know is used for driving force of the touch screen in navigation equipment, to ensure that its customers provide the correct manufacture and consistent high quality of the final product.Their main priority is to determine the screen evenly stress levels is needed to activate the controls.

The solution

BOB体育最新下载安装Mecmesin provides MultiTest 1 -i computer control test system, weighing sensor (ILC) is a combination of intelligence, adjustable XY worktable and compression probe.

Touch screen fixed in XY worktable, which can accurately at the bottom of the weighing sensor and pressure sensor on the touch screen.This so the operator can easily touch screen with different alignment, test points to measure the uniformity of the driving force on the screen.In order to obtain better results accuracy, the application of using the low capacity of weighing sensor.Compression probe in different power levels and elevated, to determine the scope of the force needed for the touch screen to ensure reliable operation.

The company decided to buy the decisive factor is the software of the system of "events" input function, the function of the signals from external devices can be integrated into the EmperorTM.In this case, the activation switch during compression test, will monitor touch screen for record, so as to provide the reliable information relating to power.

Test equipment

  • MultiTest 1 -i computer control test frame, rating of 1000 N
  • ILC 5 n
  • Adjustable XY worktable
  • Compression probe
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