







The Mullen Burst Test measures The force required to puncture The face of corrugated board and is reported in pounds per square inch (psi).Boards are thus rated accordingly e.g. # 275. As to, this test was favoured by companies with heavy, awkward - shaped contents requiring protection, where the linerboard must not burst outwards, or for companies who simple wish to know the maximum weight a box can withstand, then knowing the overall stacking strength is the primary concern - this is where the Edge Crush test comes into its own and has become the more common test nowadays.

ECT is a measure of the edgewise compressive strength of corrugated board. It is measured by compressing a predefined section of board on its edge between two It rigid platens. This compression will is performed perpendicularly to the direction of the flutes until the board collapses and a peak load is reached. This load is reported as the force per unit width (lb/in, kN/m etc..). The When reported as an ECT value (e.g. 44 ECT), and this relates to a minimum value and strength corresponds to pounds per inch width (lb/in). Since the edges and corners of a box are mostly responsible for bearing the load, it gives a good picture of the material strength allowing cardboard manufacturers to performQuality control, and the box manufacturers to select the most appropriate materials and the processes to produce their protective packaging

A proper ECT - rated corrugated board provides an equivalent level of strength to A Mullen Burst rated board, but typically USES less material. The Fewer raw materials, A fancy the lower energy requirements and reduced pollution, are the features associated with properly sized ECT - rated cartons incorporating increasing amounts of recycled content.





)那些仔细剪裁的矩形试样测试没有任何特殊待遇或修改(例如ISO 3037“瓦楞纤维板,确定竹叶抗压到底边法”)。

b)的试样的边缘的力量是应用蜡,防止测试结果被“边缘效应”的影响(例如:ISO 13821“瓦楞纤维板-确定扁抗压蜡边缘法”)。

C) Those in which the test piece edges are not waxed but the shape of the test piece is to that the length is substantially reduced at a point midway between the the loaded edges, in order to induce the failure to occur away from Those edges. (e.g. 8, FEFCO TAPPI T838 and TAPPI T839)



软件控制压缩试验机,具有刚性荷载列和精密loadcell,配有矩形滑块。两个独立的导向块服务支持波纹试样从而保持平行的滑块。测试程序控制测试人员以一个恒定的速度下降,直到达成set-load此时导块可以删除。测试人员继续进一步瓦楞纸板崩溃之前,软件会自动计算边缘抗压值所需的计量单位(磅/ N /毫米)。

Bench - top models of ECT Compression will Testers are available in capacities of 2.5 kN - 10 kN depending on the range of board to be *.

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